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Motor City Hypnotist Podcast

Episode 232, Support in Relationships, Part 1

October 13, 20238 min read

Support in Relationships, Part 1, Show Notes

In this episode of the Motor City Hypnotist Podcast, we are discussing support in relationships.

And I’m also going to be giving listeners a FREE HYPNOSIS GUIDE!  Stay tuned!


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Support in Relationships

While partners are not objects to be possessed, it is common for individuals to desire a sense of belonging and support from them. It is reassuring to have the confidence that your partner will be there for you during moments when you need emotional expression or someone to confide in. This type of support can contribute significantly to the quality of a relationship.

It is essential to have a solid support system in life, and it is equally important to reciprocate that support. Creating a healthy relationship involves having shared romantic interests, such as going on long walks, enjoying ice cream outings, or simply spending time together by the fire.

A solid support system is crucial for our overall well-being and happiness. It offers us a sense of security, comfort, and motivation in both positive and challenging situations. Reciprocity is an essential element in cultivating a healthy relationship. It involves both partners actively contributing to support each other emotionally, mentally, and physically. This mutual exchange of support is crucial for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling partnership.

A great way to foster mutual support in a romantic relationship is by sharing common interests. By participating in activities that both partners enjoy, the bond between them can be strengthened and deepened. This shared engagement can contribute to a healthier and more fulfilling partnership. Engaging in activities such as long walks enables you and your companion to spend quality time together, fostering a deeper connection. Additionally, enjoying simple pleasures like sharing ice cream or sitting by the fire can create intimate moments of relaxation and strengthen your bond.

Discovering shared interests can have a profound impact on the bond between couples. It not only helps them create cherished memories but also fosters better communication, understanding, and empathy toward each other's needs and desires. These shared experiences contribute significantly to the growth and strength of their relationship in the long run.

How to be a supportive partner!

In relationships, polarity plays a significant role in creating a strong connection and fostering romantic sparks. It involves finding the right balance between masculine and feminine energy, which leads to a dynamic push and pull. This interplay of energies enhances the depth of connection experienced in genuine relationships. Understanding how to be a supportive partner when expressing more masculine energy can sometimes be challenging. This is because masculine energies typically prioritize finding solutions to problems. Feminine partners may also need to embrace their femininity and assert themselves to advocate for their partner more frequently. Fortunately, there are strategies that can be used to provide support that are compatible with both masculine and feminine energies, although they may require some effort.


1)     Change your Perspective

When stress takes over and dominates our relationship with our partners, it can lead to feelings of tension and disconnection. It's important to acknowledge and address the impact of stress on our connection in order to maintain a healthy relationship. Continuing to perpetuate this behavior can result in a strained and distant relationship, lacking the love, passion, and joy that were once present between individuals. Individuals who excel in relationships and overall life understand the importance of shifting their perspective. They view challenges as opportunities for personal growth and relationship improvement. By embracing stress as a chance to strengthen their bond and foster teamwork, they are able to develop deeper connections and feel more united than before.

2)     Take Action or Give Space?

Being a supportive partner means recognizing the importance of giving your loved one space when they need it. It's about understanding when to step in and give them the room they require to step back and take care of their own needs. This allows for a healthy balance in the relationship and fosters individual growth and fulfillment. During busy events or times when your loved one is occupied with multiple tasks, having a partner with masculine energy can be very beneficial. They can step in and assist, lightening the workload and allowing your loved one to focus on their priorities. By giving someone the extra time and space needed, they can effectively complete a task or take a necessary break. Similarly, when feminine partners offer support, it may be beneficial to wait for a quiet moment as masculine energies often exhibit intense concentration.

3)     Communicate

By using the right words of encouragement at the right time, you can greatly reassure and comfort your partner. Being a supportive partner involves understanding how to effectively communicate and provide comfort through your words. If you're feeling unsure about what to say, crafting a script can help alleviate your concerns. Start by jotting down some key talking points that highlight how extraordinary your partner is and express your pride as you observe their interactions with loved ones. Remember, the more vivid and descriptive you make your language, the more impactful and engaging it will be.

4)     Believe your Partner

Being a supportive partner doesn't always require grand gestures. Sometimes, a simple expression of belief in your partner can go a long way. Words of encouragement from a loving partner can bring comfort and reassurance, especially when spoken with care and affection. It's not necessary to feel the pressure of coming up with something complicated to say. In fact, in certain situations where your partner is stressed, a heartfelt phrase can have a significant impact and provide them with the support they need.

5)     Say What You Want!

delve deeper and be more specific about the ways in which you can provide emotional support to your partner. During times of stress, it's understandable that your partner might lose sight of the bigger picture, making it even more essential for you to offer comfort and understanding. When individuals become overly focused on a particular project or task, they often experience increased stress levels. It's important to be supportive in such situations by reminding your partner of the qualities and abilities you admire in them. By emphasizing their strengths and suggesting ways they can apply those skills to navigate through stressful periods, you can help them maintain motivation and momentum.

6)     Emotional Availability

To become a supportive partner, it is essential to prioritize emotional availability. This involves being open and vulnerable, expressing your authentic emotions, and confronting your fears both within relationships and in other aspects of life. By doing so, you can build a strong foundation for creating a supportive and nurturing partnership. Masculine individuals often find it challenging to express emotional availability compared to others. They tend to prioritize finding solutions for problems rather than engaging in discussions or expressing their feelings openly. Women with feminine personalities may face challenges in this area, particularly if they have experienced past relationship traumas. It is crucial for them to learn the art of forgiveness and to release any attachments to the past in order to move forward and thrive.

7)     Listen, Listen, Listen

Being a supportive partner involves practicing deep listening skills. Unfortunately, we often fail to give our full attention to what our partners are trying to communicate. Distractions like phones, work-related thoughts, or social media can hinder effective communication and understanding between partners. It's crucial to dedicate quality time and actively listen to our partners' needs and concerns. Deep listening involves several key elements to ensure effective communication. These include making eye contact, which demonstrates attentiveness and respect. Additionally, providing nonverbal feedback such as a smile or a nod reinforces engagement and understanding. Using open and confident body language helps create an inviting and comfortable environment for the speaker. Lastly, being fully present means actively focusing on the speaker without distractions, allowing for genuine connection and meaningful conversations.

8)     Physical Affection

During times of stress, we often find ourselves overwhelmed and pulled in multiple directions. While it may be challenging to feel affectionate during these moments, it is worth noting that physical contact, like deep listening, plays a significant role in providing support. Regardless of the circumstances, showing support through physical touch remains one of the most valuable ways to be there for someone in your life. Just like how smiling can positively impact your mindset, engaging in physical touch with your partner, such as holding hands or cuddling on the couch, can have a similar effect. It can help restore intimacy and make both partners feel more supported in their relationship.


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NEXT EPISODE: Support in Relationships, Part 2


Change your thinking, change your life!

Laugh hard, run fast, be kind. 

David R. Wright MA, LPC, CHT

The Motor City Hypnotist

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